The Birth of SUPDOG Hawaii

July 1st, 2019. The official birth of SUPDOG Hawaii. Its been several months of dreaming and envisioning this day. But nothing compares to the first day of something so special. The excitement, the anticipation, the fresh scent of the ocean in the morning. The first rays of the sun squeaking through the clouds. The late night sweat dripping from the humidity. The faith that all will be as it is meant to be. Colliding with the push of a button. Launch! Lift Off! We have ignition!

This is SUPDOG Hawaii’s Dog Blog, where we share photos and stories of normal dogs becoming SUPDOGs. We’ll share their struggles, descriptions of their personalities, and how they reacted to mother nature’s strongest force, the ocean. This blog will make you laugh, it’ll make you cry, and it will definitely make you want to join the Wolfpack. Stay tuned for more as the launch of SUPDOG Hawaii digs its hole in the lawn.

Tyler Landon1 Comment