How To Teach Your Dog How to Swim
Poke enjoying a morning swim.
Teaching your dog how to swim is a simple and fun way to keep them engaged and get some of their energy out.
Every dog can learn how to swim, but some breeds tend to like it more than others.
Before we get into the steps, here are the materials you will need:
Life Jacket
This is important. Not all dogs are strong swimmers, and you want to be sure that you always put safety first. To get your dog to put his life jacket on, hold a treat through the neck-hole of the life jacket and lure his head through.
If your dog is not reliable off-leash, bring one with you to help during this process.
Bring your dog’s favorite snacks with you. If he doesn’t like treats, use his favorite toy. Be prepared to give him lots of lovin’s.
Now that you have all your materials, here are the steps:
Pick a beach or river that has shallow water and little to no waves. This is very important. Waves can be scary for dogs and may make them afraid to hop in the water with you.
Once you get to the beach, keep it positive. Run around with your dog, throw his ball or just hang out with him near the shoreline. Get as close to the water as you can without getting your feet wet.
Once your dog is comfortable near the water, you can begin Step 3. Stand in the water with a treat and ask your dog to come to you. Don’t pull your dog in. When he comes, give him the treat and praise him. Keep his feet in the water, but do NOT go into deeper water that is past your dog’s ankles yet.
You want to build your dog’s confidence. Stand in the shallow water and give lots of praise. If your dog has his paws in the water, but seems uncomfortable, nervous, or afraid, see Step 4. If your dog is happy and confident, skip Step 4.
Keep your dog with his feet in the water for at least 5-10 minutes. Take a break on the beach for 10-20 minutes. Go back into the water. Be sure you are giving your dog treats, toys, or praise every time he gets in. Get your dog to get his paws wet 3 times. If your dog still does not seem comfortable, do not push him any further. Give him lots of praise in the water and then take him home.
This is a 2-Part Process.
Go deeper into the water, up to your dog’s armpits. and give your dog more treats and lovin’s. Walk back to shore. Walk into the water again. Do this 5x.
Go deeper into the water, up to your dog’s armpits. and give your dog more treats and lovin’s. Walk back to shore. Walk into the water again. Do this 5x. At this point, gauge your dog’s comfort level. If he is uncomfortable, this is enough for today. Give more treats, then take him home. ONLY go past the neck once your dog seems eager.
Go deeper into the water, up to your dog’s neck. Do not pull your dog. Go to the end of his leash, where he cannot stand, and encourage him to try to swim to you. Again, don’t force him. Swimming comes naturally for most dogs, but some do not understand. Take your time, and let your dog try it out.
IMPORTANT: If at any point the life jacket is not working, or his head is underwater, get back to shallow water immediately so he doesn’t suffocate.
These are all the steps to teaching your dog to swim. Good luck!